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December 15, 2020 / Blog

UPDATE: GISO 3205 & AB 685

At Preferred Employers Insurance, we are dedicated to keeping you up-to-date and informed when critical notifications (such as these) directly impact you, your employees, and your business.



New emergency and temporary Cal/OSHA standards have gone into effect.


GISO 3205: What You Need to Know


A General Industry Safety Order (GISO) was released on November 30th and specifically pertains to COVID-19 Prevention Plans—a requirement for all employers.

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An assortment of empty beer bottles are shown from a birds-eye view

November 02, 2020 / Breweries, Craft Beer

Nine Steps to Prevent On-The-Job Injuries at your Brewery

When an employee gets hurt, it is expensive for everyone. The employee may miss work during recovery from the accident. The brewery, meanwhile, must find ways to cover the schedule of the missing worker or suffer downtime and, by default, loss of production and revenue.

That is why, from a pure cost perspective, reducing the odds of on-the-job injuries is one of the most profitable things a brewery can do. Here are 9 steps you can take to maintain control of lost time accidents.


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September 23, 2020 /

UPDATE: SB1159 & AB685

IMPORTANT NOTICE: New regulations regarding COVID-19 employer requirements have gone into effect for California.


At Preferred Employers Insurance, we are dedicated to keeping you up-to-date and informed when critical notifications (such as these) directly impact you, your employees, and your business.


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A group of four people bump elbows to acknowledge each other while mitigating germ spread. All group members wear a mask to protect themselves from Covid-19

August 03, 2020 / Restaurant Business, Safety, Workers Compensation, Covid-19, Workplace Culture

Maintaining a Safety Culture While Restaurant Businesses are Semi-Open

Building a restaurant workplace environment that encourages staff input and collaboration is, in fact, possible during these uncertain times.


As we have mentioned before, an effective way to cultivate a strong safety culture is to promote the notion that “everyone is a leader”. This can help spark an entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of ownership for all team members. Such efforts can be made virtually just as successfully, and safely, as in-person.

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A dentist wears a surgical mask and holds a light used to view patients' teeth while looking at the camera. A caption in the center of the image says "I am a dentist"

May 31, 2020 / Community Voices

The Top Challenges Facing Dental Practices

How to tackle the top challenges facing dental practices


It isn’t a secret that “costs” are a concern for dental practices all over California. From paying Dental School student loans to setting up a private practice, finances are a priority. In addition to “costs”, recent studies have shown that “attracting new patients” and “medical office collaboration” are among the top concerns for dentists in 2019.


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Three large jars of cannabis are shown. Photo by Add Weed on Unsplash.

May 13, 2020 / California, Dispensaries, Cannabis, Risk Management, Workers Compensation

What Cannabis Dispensaries Can Expect Throughout 2020

Cannabis: What Dispensaries Can Expect For Operations Throughout 2020


Dispensaries are considered “essential business” during this crisis and many current preventative actions are projected to continue long-term.


Several characteristics make the cannabis industry unique and those nuances will be where the most change continues to be seen.

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